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  • Philosophy and Objectives of Chinese Literature Curriculum

The Chinese Literature curriculum offered as an elective subject for high school students is based on the following fundamental principles:

  1. Chinese is the mother tongue for most students in Hong Kong, and they have been exposed to various excellent works of Chinese literature, which has shaped their language taste. Literature is an important part of national culture, and the Chinese Literature curriculum aims to enrich students' knowledge, enhance their literary literacy, develop their appreciation and creative abilities in literature, and strengthen the learning of Chinese language. By studying Chinese literature, students can enhance their aesthetic, explorative, and innovative abilities, cultivate good national qualities, and promote national culture.
  2. Literature reflects reality and emphasizes ideals. Studying literature allows students to explore life and gain insights into the human experience.
  3. Chinese Literature provides an in-depth and systematic learning opportunity for students who have a deep interest in literature. It allows students to utilize their strengths and plan for future academic pursuits or work involving creative writing, criticism, or research.
  4. Chinese literature has a rich traditional heritage spanning thousands of years, with a treasure trove of literary masterpieces handed down through generations. By studying a wide range of classical and contemporary works, students can deepen their understanding of Chinese history, social life, and cultural thoughts, and contribute to the preservation of literary heritage.
  5. Through the curriculum, students can enhance their artistic cultivation and taste by studying beautiful literary works. By exploring the artistic realm of these works and sharing unique and common thoughts and emotions, they can foster spiritual interaction and expand their horizons.
Curriculum Objectives
  1. Cultivate aesthetic taste and enhance artistic appreciation.
  2. Improve literary literacy and contribute to the preservation of literary heritage.
  3. Cultivate temperament, enhance character, and foster a sense of responsibility towards the country, nation, and humanity.
  4. Develop individuality, explore potentials, and prepare students for future work and further studies.

Through this curriculum, we aim to nurture a new generation with the ability to appreciate and create literature, possess aesthetic taste, have moral integrity, and embrace a love for life.